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Product Information

Distribution Cables Insulation Cables

Cables shielded with PVC and XLPE (cross-link polyethylene) insulation provide superior heat resistance (90℃), are smoke and fire resistant, and eco-friendly according to the environment and application. Such cables are suitable for public facilities such as high buildings, hospitals, underground markets, airports and subways due to their high fire-resistance and lack of smoke and toxic gas emission in case of fire. The reliability of LS Cable& System insulated cables is certified by the Electrical Appliances Safety Accreditation and Environment-friendly Certification.

Types and Purposes

• 450/750V HFIX
  - Minimize property loss in case of fire in high, large buildings
  - Dramatic reduction of smoke and toxic gases in case of fire
  - Reaches RoHS environmental standards (Do not contain Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr6+, PBB/PBDE)
  - Reduced construction costs due to increased allowable currents resulting from superior heat resistance (90℃)
  - High voltage compared to 300/500V HIV
• 300/500V HIV
  - Reduced construction costs due to increased allowable currents resulting from superior heat resistance (90℃)
  - Eco-friendliness due to elimination of lead and other toxic materials


We optimize construction and operation environments through self-development of cable materials and stable manufacturing processes.

• 450/750V HFIX
  - Independent material development and process management for eco-friendliness
  - National certification for product reliability (KS certification, Electrical Appliances Safety Accreditation, Environment-friendly Certification)

• 300/500V HIV
  - Optimized material development and process management for thermal resistance
  - National certification for product reliability (KS certification, Electrical Appliances Safety Accreditation, Environment-friendly Certification)

Main functions

• Distribution circuit for commercial, industrial, residential facilities
• High fire-resistance to prevent spread of secondary fires
• Eco-friendliness, toxic materials removed (halogen)
• Reinforcement of construction and flame retardant features

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